NFDI-MatWerk Spring School on Research Data Management

The NFDI-MatWerk Spring School on Research Data Management in Saarbrücken has kicked off on 10 April 2024! 19 master students from the international Erasmus Mundus programme AMASE (Joint European Master Programme in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering) have convened at Saarland University (UdS) in Saarbrücken.

Over the course of three days, these students, representing universities spanning Sweden, Spain, Austria, France, Italy, and Germany, are immersing themselves in a comprehensive program of lectures and workshops focused on research data management.

The first day, 10 April 2024, commenced with a stimulating introductory lecture by Prof. Frank Mücklich (UdS), co-speaker for Community Interaction of NFDI-Matwerk. This was followed by an engaging workshop on Metadata led by Dr. Silke Gerlich (Forschungszentrum Jülich) and insightful tips on best practices and pitfalls in data handling by Dr. Christoph Pauly (UdS).

Organized within the framework of NFDI-MatWerk, the Spring School aims not only to equip master students with essential skills but also endeavors to yield valuable insights for the advancement of similar training initiatives. The event is spearheaded by the European School of Materials at Saarland University (EUSMAT), which also oversees the coordination of the AMASE Programme.

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the National Research Data Infrastructure – NFDI 38/1 – 460247524

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